Speaker set for HCGS meeting

  • Susan Lanning
    Susan Lanning

Susan Lanning will be the speaker at the monthly meeting of the Hopkins County Genealogical Society meeting Thursday, April 20 at the Genealogy Research Library at 611 North Davis Street in Sulphur Springs.

Lanning will speak on the topic of the Audie Murphy/ American Cotton Museum.

Those unable to travel to the meeting can attend via Zoom. The time is April 20 at 7 p.m. central time.

Registration can be done in advance by the following link: https:// us02web.zoom.us/meeting/ register/tZAqf-iopj8iHtNdlok4fc8Ir2i8az4C9alB After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Lanning grew up in St. Louis, Mo. and received a bachelor’s degree from Northeast Missouri State University (now called Truman University). She has a master’s degree in Museum Studies from Baylor University and has been the director of the Audie Murphy/ American Cotton Museum since 2007. Lanning take members on a kind of virtual tour of the American Cotton Museum and speak about its history.