Let’s Walk for Terrific Tuesdays

  • Enola Gay Mathews
    Enola Gay Mathews
  • All are invited to Celebration Plaza Tuesday, Oct. 3, to join the Walk to Rember, held in support of Terrific Tuesdays respite care program. The two-hour event is the annual fundraising event for the Terrific Tuesdays respite program for the coming year
    All are invited to Celebration Plaza Tuesday, Oct. 3, to join the Walk to Rember, held in support of Terrific Tuesdays respite care program. The two-hour event is the annual fundraising event for the Terrific Tuesdays respite program for the coming year

The morning air feels a bit crisp, yet the afternoon humidity reverts to its summer habits. To us Northeast Texas natives, it’s simply deceptive autumn or Indian summer. (Think Indian-giver!)

The calendar page is about to turn, and fall activities are lining up. One of the most impactful is the local Walk to Remember, staged annually by Terrific Tuesdays Director Tammy Reardon as an awareness event for Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.

“Everyone is invited to come downtown and walk on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 10 a.m. for at least one lap in support of Terrific Tuesdays. The two-hour event is the annual fundraiser for the Terrific Tuesdays respite program for the coming year,” stated Reardon.

Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss are realities of life for many people in America. In Sulphur Springs, Alzheimer’s awareness takes the forefront with the annual Walk to Remember, a morning of activity spent to show support for family members, neighbors and other people you may know who are victims of memory loss, as well as for the loyal caregivers who tend to their needs. It also supports Terrific Tuesdays, a respite program for the caregivers of those suffering memory loss. Terrific Tuesdays is held each Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon in the Family Life Center of First United Methodist Church.

According to Reardon, “Lots of times, a person who is caring for a family member or loved one with memory loss is doing this full-time. Many are doing this labor of love seven days a week, month after month with little break in the daily routine. Many caregivers are spouses or children of the victim. The Terrific Tuesdays respite program serves to give these persons a needed break on a regular basis, and to allow the caregiver some time to run errands, meet with a friend or just enjoy quiet time.”

“Caregivers also know their charge is in good hands. Each is assigned a ‘buddy’ for the duration of the morning for crafts, games, snacks and social interaction. For many, Terrific Tuesdays offers a lifeline to both the victim of memory loss as well as the caregiver. And, annually, the community is asked to support the program,' Reardon explained.

This Tuesday, Oct. 3, everyone in the community is asked to show their support by attending the walk on Celebration Plaza. Walk a lap, become informed about Terrific Tuesday or just drop off a donation. Individuals, businesses and industry are welcome. Terrific Tuesdays T-shirts are $20 each at the walk registration table. There will be music, prizes and the opportunity to win a beautiful handmade quilt as a raffle prize. Tickets are $1 each. Money raised goes to fund the entire 2024 year of Terrific Tuesdays to cover basic expenses for food, drinks, supplies, and educational materials about Alzheimer’s and memory loss.

For more information or to donate, come to the walk or contact Tammy Reardon at 760-580-2379.