A Farmers Co-op Legend Retires

  • Enola Gay Mathews
    Enola Gay Mathews

There are people who, by just doing their job day after day, can accomplish something amazing. An example of that is Anita Stapleton who is retiring as comptroller from the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op after 52 years. Her position has been an important one, and one that she took very seriously, yet she was obviously not one for the spotlight. In fact, I could not even get an interview with Anita to learn of the roles she has played. I only know that she has been a vital part of the health and expansion of the industry she served so well. Her co-worker, Jim Ratzlaff, also felt that her story should not go untold. So, here are Jim’s words.

“Anita Stapleton is a legend. Anita started working at the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op on May 26, 1971. For anyone to express the value that Anita has contributed to Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op is impossible to do. Anita has set a high standard for all employees. She started at entry level and worked her way up to being our comptroller. Anita, for the time that I have known her, has been hiding in an office working on keeping records and the books in tip-top shape. Her service, dedication, and commitment are unbeatable, she is generally the first to arrive at work and the last to leave. She took her job very seriously and the auditors always bragged about how well her bookkeeping was in order.

“Anita’s goal was to make everything work out right, and always willing to stop whatever she was doing to help. She was always willing to make changes to reports and other things that would help the rest of us to do a better job. However, there was no fooling around with her computer or her books.

“Anita stood for doing the right things, right, at the right time.

“We can say that Anita will be missed as she moves on to another adventure in her life and we all wish her the very best. We also can say that the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op would not be as well as it is today if it had not been for Anita Stapleton. She poured over 50 years of her life into this company and we all will benefit from that for a long time to come.

“Thank you, Anita Stapleton.”

As 2023 ends, we can say it was a short year that practically flew by. In these final moments, let’s pause to look inward and recognize some things we may have gained or that are worth keeping I hope we’ve experienced personal and spiritual growth. I hope we’ve spent quality time with loved ones, which can enhance our happiness and well-being.

To cultivate an attitude of gratitude is good for us. Give someone a pat on the back; it’s good for you both! So is volunteering or donating in your community or neighborhood. To stop and help a neighbor or a stranger in a time of real need, well, it can be a gift in disguise. It’s not too late for positive expectations! A fresh look at life, a bright outlook, and a healthy start is my wish for us in 2024!