Senior citizens center opened Monday

  • Senior Center director Karon Weatherman created a welcome wall for seniors returning to the center after it reopened Monday for regular activity. Staff photo by Ariel Phillips
    Senior Center director Karon Weatherman created a welcome wall for seniors returning to the center after it reopened Monday for regular activity. Staff photo by Ariel Phillips

Regular activities to resume


The Sulphur Springs SeniorCitizen Center reopened Monday with a full day of activities planned.

The morning started off with Fit and Strong with John Little, Tai Ji Quan with Karen Moseley, lunch with the Acts of Love Volunteer Group and a Happy Scrappy card making with Mary Lou Foster from Choice Hospice to round out the afternoon.

Three women attended the Happy Scrappy card making: Patti Teddlie, Betty Green and Marjean Allen. They made two cards, a birthday card with a hen and a best wishes card with a dandelion on the front. Foster shared that before COVID she usually had six to eight attendees, and she wanted to start with something simple at the first meet up post-COVID. Foster and the ladies have made Christmas, Valentine’s, and Mother’s day cards since they first started the activity in 2019.

Director Karon Weatherman shared that all regularly scheduled activities except line dancing will be resuming. Weatherman stated that while masks are not required they are preferred. The center asks that if anyone is feeling ill or is coughing to please not attend until they are feeling well again.