He will never let you down

  • Stephanie Cigainero-Kneale
    Stephanie Cigainero-Kneale

This weekend let’s spend a little time focusing on the wisdom and trustworthiness of God.

We are told not to lean on our own understanding. If we do, we justify our actions and have no future memory of the feelings it caused the other person.

Afterall, we cannot ever feel what they feel and only know about it when we see the reactions, or we are told about their feelings. It causes real harm. God makes promises that He intends to keep and always does keep. Some of His promises have been fulfilled, some are always being fulfilled and some are yet to be fulfilled.

We should be fulfilled evermore knowing that He is all wise, all knowing, and His timing is perfect-He knows what we need! We don’t have patience. Plain and simple. Patience stems from faith.

Why do you think Jesus was always talking about “faith this” and “faith that”? He desires our hearts(love) and faith. That’s it. Seems pretty easy to receive the promises He offers of blessing, peace, joy and fulfillment on a scale that we need new bodies to be able to experience!

When we have faith, we have rest. Most people are in a state of turmoil simply because they do not have faith and thus have zero rest.

There will be times where we fail and have no rest, times when we feel peace even when we are doing our best… God ALWAYS delivers. We are so fickle that we have to turn around and see the destruction on the path behind us before we realize what He has rescued us from and to develop a desire to be a little cleaner when we create a path for our future selves. He blesses us every day and yet we don’t take notice. He is always nurturing us, but we take advantage and take for granted.

People will ALWAYS let you down. No matter how long you’ve known them, no matter what gifts or favors you’ve given them, no matter how great the character or accolades- so stop looking at the people who caused your pain to fix it. Stop blaming the ones who are broken like we all are for your pain or anger or need to escape reality somehow, that’s the definition of insanity. Famously, the blind leading the blind. While everyone around you is pointing fingers in endless directions, stop the cycle and look up. Break away and pray. It looks like this; I am angry because someone I love deeply just said something selfish and very wrong. Just plain inaccurate and my character was attacked for literally no reason. Instead of mounting a defense, choose silence, God will battle for you. Say a prayer in your head that sounds like this, “Lord help me for I am weak, and I want to be obedient. Help me. Soften my heart. Soften the heart of this person who has just defiled my name. Take this anger, rejection, bitterness and fear. Amen” then repeat until the feelings are gone. He will take them.

The other person SHOULD repent but if not, God will do incredible things and you only need to be silent, worship Him and be patient. That person had people yelling at them all day and experienced claustrophobia, panic, rejection, fear and worthlessness that they have not dealt with. They want the peace that you have!

Scenario 2:

Random woman at Fix N Feed, for example, doesn’t hold the door open and it slams in your face. Has a sour look when you see her on isle five. Is rude to the cashier. Storms out. Cashier makes a comment to you “how rude was that lady!” you naturally say, “yeah she slammed the door in my face, and I don’t think she has showered in a week.”

That sounds like a pretty normal encounter for most of us- we likely see this often.

Let’s take a peek behind the curtain; The woman’s husband passed away two weeks ago, and the kitchen sink is leaking. The dripping has been keeping her awake reminding her of her loneliness. She called everyone she knew would come to her rescue but… they were all “busy”. Not being able to afford the repair with all of the medical expenses and funeral costs, she tries to DIY. YouTube is halfway decent, but the screen is so small,l and she is hurting, alone, scared and bitter. She doesn’t even notice the door is closing on someone behind her. The sight of valves and wrenches overwhelms her, and she pays while doing the math in her head of how much she has left for gas and food. She has been let down and that has spread to strangers. She had depended on others who now had determined her reality. And you know what probably happened next?

She was so angry at the abandonment of the people she took care of that wouldn’t come to her aide that she lashed out, they were offended, and she became even more alone. Despair set in. She became physically sick from holding on to the emotional pain.

Your job, here, is to recognize that someone else being ugly isn’t them, it’s the ugly things that happened to them. Maybe recently, maybe as a child. It’s not you (or at least it shouldn’t be), its them, but they just don’t know how to process through it. We are all still healing from things we don’t speak about, We are not taught how to process through hard and heavy things just like we are not taught about credit scores and how to be wealthy in school. Rise above it and say a prayer for this woman in your head. ASK HOW YOU CAN HELP.

Make eye contact. Let this fellow human being bless you by you being able to bless them. This is what our society is supposed to look like and “on earth as it is in heaven” can happen now, if we choose.

People will always let us down at some point or another. God will never let you down. He rewards faith in Him. Our vision is limited for a reason, we are to be empty handed and let our faith guide us. We have so much power to build, to break, to create. Love conquers all and love covers a multitude of sins.

There is no condemnation from God for those who love Him and trust Him, as he is the oath keeper, promise maker, never failing Lord of Lords, Ancient of Days. He won’t fail. Praise Be to Him for the ability to bless someone else, we all need it, badly. Go do your part this weekend! Patience, faith and love!

For scripture references, questions or comments, email IQSulphur-Springs@protonmail.com