Future memorial garden considered for City Cemetery


Club News

The board of the City Cemetery Society met Dec. 10 at Myra Wilson Chapel with the following members present: Mary Ann Anglin, James Jones, Carole Swindell, Linda Jackson, Steve Longing, Annada Jones, Cathy Bonner, Janet Garvin, Ruthmary Hall, Amy McGrady and Debbie Barrett. Doris Dobson was welcomed as a new member.

The meeting was opened with The Lord’s Prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Ruthmary Hall. James Jones gave the treasurer’s report.

Annada Jones led discussion of old and new business. Discussion included landscaping improvements and consideration of a future memorial garden. New portraits of Myra Wilson and Mary Howell were displayed. Also, there was discussion on a future project of installing a columbarium on cemetery grounds.

The next meeting will be Feb. 11, 2020. New members are always welcome.