Motor Vehicle Accident on April 25


| Letter to the Editor


An email received by Hopkins County Fire Marshal/ Chief Andy Endsley

April 29, 2023 To Chief Andy Endsley, Hopkins County Fire Department

Chief Endsley,

This past Tuesday, April 25, 2023, your department responded to a serious motor vehicle accident outside of Sulphur Springs. Involved in that crash was my wife’s niece, Elizabeth, and her cousin Patti. As you already know, Elizabeth and Patti were airlifted to Medical City Plano. Elizabeth coded twice in the helo en route to the trauma center, but was successfully resuscitated both times. For a few days, she endured numerous surgeries and remains in the ICU, but I am thrilled to report that all recent news has been positive and continues to trend that way. Elizabeth is now conscious and communicating to the best of her abilities and showing no signs of major neurological deficit. Patti suffered a setback in the hospital on Thursday and was also moved to the ICU, but she is currently stable and resting. The road to recovery will certainly be long and difficult for both girls, but with the support of family and friends, it won’t be one they will travel alone.

In situations such as this, ten thousand “thank yous” doesn’t even begin to express the gratitude that myself and my family feel to your organization, your frontline firefighters, both the air and ground EMS teams, law enforcement, and any of the countless others who facilitated the rescue and transport of Elizabeth and Patti. Because of the professionalism and coordinated efforts of all involved agencies and individuals, you were able to work together and pull off what I can only describe as a series of miracles. On behalf of myself and my family, thank you. We will remain forever indebted to the first responders of Hopkins County. If possible, please see to it that all involved organizations see this letter, so they may know the immensely positive impact of their efforts from that day.

Gratefully yours, Christopher Tillson Vice President, IAFF Local 2077 Winnetka Firefighters, llinois