Como-Pickton cheerleaders win awards at NCA camp

  • Como-Pickton varsity cheerleaders
    Como-Pickton varsity cheerleaders
  • Como-Pickton junior high cheerleaders
    Como-Pickton junior high cheerleaders

Como-Pickton Consolidated Independent School District have good reason to be proud of their varsity and junior high cheerleaders — both squads won several awards at the National Cheerleaders Association summer cheer camp.

The Como-Pickton varsity cheerleaders won an award for “most improved squad,” while receiving a superior rating on their “band chant,” an excellent rating on their “game day material,” “spirit stick” and a bid to Nationals. All-American nominees included: Lauren Lewellen, Katie Tifft, Brenna Patrick, Maddie Williams, Maci Glover, Sanay Diaz, Zoe Reed, Bella Romero and Valeria Gonzalez. “Big E” made “all-American mascot,” a superior rating on the skit, “spirit stick” and “ most-improved mascot."

The Como-Pickton junior high cheerleaders received a superior rating on their “chant and band chant,” an excellent rating on their “cheer,” received the “stunt award,” “spirit stick” and a bid to Nationals.

All-American nominees included: Jaylin Gillis, Faith Gilbreath, Aubrei Gaspar, Channing Nation, Anika Fiock, Abby Williams and Brylee Moon (who also won the ‘pin it forward award.’) “Ethel” the Eagle was nominated for “all-American” and “Ernie” the Eagle made “all-American mascot.”