What is a Sovereign Digital Biometric ID?

  • Stephanie Cigainero-Kneale
    Stephanie Cigainero-Kneale

Sovereign means “supreme power or authority.' Biometrics refers to the use of biological and behavioral characteristics of an individual to establish their identity. These characteristics may include fingerprints, voice prints, iris or retina patterns, facial features, hand geometry, walk or gait and even DNA. So, a Sovereign Biometric Digital ID would mean that you own the biometrics associated with your identification, you own what is uniquely YOU and it is a digital version. Have you heard these words before? If not, pay attention. You need to know all about it and do your research because very soon, you will have to make a choice on whether or not to subscribe to a system which requires biometric ID verification to use services such as the internet. You are already giving all of this data away, but one day you’ll have to make it official. Then, you’ll have to choose to implant a device. Seriously.

Being clear, the requirements for use are voluntary all across the world right now but they are being used. Corporations have been in discussion with world leaders all over the planet about this topic and how it will work in the new economic future. Some countries have already banned VPNs, or virtual proxy networks, which scramble where your IP is registering from and limit the amount of data that can be collected during your internet browsing. Some countries have digital currencies that they are currently implementing which will require the ID to validate the user. Some countries are merging health and security data with identification data and China, as you may or may not know, uses the digital ID’s to monitor every citizen and issue a social credit score based on compliance and adherence to certain rules that the leaders create. In China, for example, jaywalking results in a reduced score and if your score gets down low enough or too many points are taken away for, say, expressing frustration with the government, you may not be able to fly out of the country or send your kids to the best schools. China is able to use their network of cameras, connections, and user’s devices to perpetuate the system, which google helped design years ago. They do not allow the data to be stored in other countries and use State sponsored apps like WeChat in order for users to engage with one another or pay for items within their borders. However, China is a huge storage facility for data from the US. That means all of your data that you have given thus far goes to these data centers, and many more all over the world, and is stored in countries that do not share American values and is under the jurisdiction and control of governments that do not promote freedom or our constitution. Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are all funneled to China, India and other places. Snapchat … Saudi Arabia via the state sponsored oil and gas corporation ARAMCO who paid for the data center.

Data is the new gold of the “fourth industrial revolution.' Your data should be yours, but it is not. You do not own your data when you use services and getting it deleted is near impossible. The services, tech platforms and apps are so engrained in our daily lives that getting off of them makes it extremely difficult to pay bills, get information or stay connected. Think about how you interact with your friends or how you work these days. One day soon, you will be required to valdoned idate your digital ID in order to access the internet. This will come under the guise of internet safety and hate speech or bullying prevention, convenience or speed. I see the beautiful interaction of cash exchanged and checks written in this county which I patiently support and thank the business owners for accepting cash and checks. I can see the positives and the alarming negatives about the new systems rolling through but the biggest issue for me right now … no one knows about it. A very select few. That’s why I am writing this article. The second reason is that we should be prepared and thirdly we should have a choice. We should have a voice on what the corporations can do with our biometric data. We should be able to request deletion. We should be able to remain outside of a digital system like what’s coming, so it’s past time to discuss how we, as a community, facilitate discussions about this. Ask your leadership and officials to have a community meeting about it. We need eachother now more than ever.

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