Small businesses are still open


I wanted to start this column by saying, “Welcome to the Hunger Games!” Sometimes I feel like we are in the Hunger Games, especially after reading about Murder Hornets. This morning I read about some schools deciding to go completely online in the fall, and stress just starts to creep into my skin. What is this craziness we are living?

I think it is important that we take the time to put things into perspective and focus on things we can control. We can shop local, be local, live local. Our small businesses are desperately needing us right now. Please continue to order food and pick it up. Retail is open for business, or you can pick that up, too. All of our businesses are finding ways to be available to you. It’s honestly so remarkable what our small county has been able to accomplish.

We don’t know what tomorrow looks like, so let’s enjoy today! Find some goodness and give it to others. I’m proud you, Hopkins County.