My dream job

  • Stevanna Buchanan
    Stevanna Buchanan

When I get older, I want to be a cosmetologist. I've always loved playing with my friends' hair, and of course, doing my own. I learned how to braid when I was seven, and everyday I would come home from school, I would ask my grandma if I could braid her hair. That was my thing to look forward to after being at school all day.

My older sister is a cosmetologist and I've already learned so much from her, so when I actually go to school for it, it's going to be a lot easier for me than it would have been if I didn't know everything that she has taught me. I can't wait for the day that I have my own beauty shop; it's going to be so much fun!

One day, when I get my own shop, I'm going to make it look so nice. I'm going to have lights to hang up, and I'm going to make the waiting area comfortable for my clients, because every time I go to a beauty shop, they always have these hard wooden chairs, but I'm going to put soft chairs or maybe couches in my shop.

Sometimes my sister will ask me to tone her hair for her, and I like doing that, but my favorite part is washing her hair out because that job is so cool and satisfying to me. After I wash her hair out, she also asks me to brush it because her hair gets really tangled, but I always brush it out so easily. When my sister does my hair, it makes me feel way better and my hair feels so much healthier. For some people, having their hair done boosts their self-confidence and makes them feel way better about themselves. That's why I would love this job.

In my shop I would put a little bookshelf and a fridge with sodas in it, in case my clients want a book to read or something to drink. I would also have a bucket full of suckers for the little ones. And I want to wax people’s eyebrows. I think that would be cool to see the after-look when their brows are all cleaned up.

I asked my sister what her favorite part of being a cosmetologist is, and she said she enjoys making people feel beautiful and she loves the relationships she gets to build with her clients. My sister's clients get her gifts all the time for her birthday or her kids’ birthdays and just for fun sometimes, and she does the same for some of her clients. I think that's really nice.

I'm so ready to start doing hair and make new friends, and if my clients let me pick what color they should get, it will be fun. I can't wait to go to beauty school so I can get my career started and meet new people that want the same dream job that I do.