My 2022 Florida trip

  • Hunter Maynard
    Hunter Maynard

So it began, the long trip to Florida and the many places we stopped between here and there. It was an unforgettable trip with my friend Kasen and his mom and dad.

One day in the summer of 2022, Kasen texts me randomly and says, “Yo! You wanna come to Florida with me? I, not really having gone on many big trips before, immediately say yes without thinking about it.

I was ready to go and so we started the twenty-day trip. First place we stopped was in Shreveport, Louisiana, in a nice RV camp where there wasn't much to do, so all we did was walk around a bit. We eventually headed back in to eat some chicken and bell pepper kabobs and then play some Call of Duty WWII Zombies and head to bed.

After a few more stays in random RV camps, we arrived in Orlando, Florida, to stay two nights at the best RV camp so far. It came equipped with a pool, hot tub, and a basketball court. Me and Kasen decided to go swimming and were goofing around in the pool for about one hour until we decided to go back in for dinner. We then went to play some basketball with two other people; Kasen and I played on separate teams. I believe Kasen’s team won, but it was a close one.

We then headed to our final destination in Florida, Key West, and we stayed at the best camp of the entire trip. It had a massive pool and area in the ocean where we could swim, with massive inflatable balloon-like things we could climb on. There were kayaks we could rent to travel into the mangroves not too far from the shore. We rented them and went into the mangroves and were just chilling and enjoying the view; we attempted to catch some mud crabs but were unsuccessful.

After our stay for about five days in the Keys, we started our trip back to Texas and had a few more stays on our way back, with only one more being notable in Louisiana. This new place didn’t have a whole lot to do, but it did have one important thing, ping pong. It was fun with Kasen and me constantly going back and forth, winning and trading blows. Eventually we got bored with the traditional game and started making up new games, such as trying to keep the ball up in the air and not letting it touch the ground. After ping pong we stayed up really late playing Call Of Duty WWII Zombies together, and then we went to bed.

After our stay at the Louisiana RV camp, we finished our trip back to Texas all in one go, so it was the longest ride yet, filled with lots of sleeping and watching random Youtube videos since I had watched all the recommended videos I could. We finally made it back to Texas. We were all happy to be back, but sad that we were not in Florida anymore.