Wildcats band members named All-Region

  • BAND STANDOUTS — Members of the All-Region band from Sulphur Springs are from left, Levi Caton, Justin Chen, Lauren Maynard, Mika Petty, Caroline Prickette, Anthony Small, Catherine Starzyk, Hannah Hughes, Sadie Barnett, Kate Hurley, Lucy McKenzie, Aubrey Williams, Kami White, Valeria Garcia, Laney Bankston. Submitted photo
    BAND STANDOUTS — Members of the All-Region band from Sulphur Springs are from left, Levi Caton, Justin Chen, Lauren Maynard, Mika Petty, Caroline Prickette, Anthony Small, Catherine Starzyk, Hannah Hughes, Sadie Barnett, Kate Hurley, Lucy McKenzie, Aubrey Williams, Kami White, Valeria Garcia, Laney Bankston. Submitted photo

On Friday, Dec. 9 several members of the Wildcat Band traveled to New Boston High School for the ATSSB Region 4 Band Auditions according to Spencer Emmert, Sulphur Springs High School head band director.

These students auditioned before a panel of judges on two musical etudes and eight full-range scales for a spot in the All-Region Band. “Competition for the Band across our region this year was the most competitive we’ve seen in quite some time,” Emmert said, “This is a testament to just how good the band programs in this area of the state are.”

Students prepared their audition music throughout the Fall semester with the hopes for not only making the All-Region Band, but also with the hopes of qualifying for the Area audition.

Students that place at the top of their section in the Region qualify for the Area level audition. This will be held in early January at Chapel Hill High School in Tyler and will consist of the very best players on each instrument from several regions stretching from Northeast Texas down to the Houston and Beaumont areas.

At the Area level students are competing for a spot in the Texas All-State Band. Students who make the All-State Band will travel to San Antonio in February for the State Clinic and Concert. “Along with Region and Area qualification, the All-State Band is a huge honor for any student to achieve and usually is accompanied by forthcoming scholarships for that student. Our last All-Stater was Tyler Burnett in 2020 on trombone, who is now a thriving music major at Texas A&M Commerce.”

Sulphur Springs had the second most students make the region band in the entire region. The All-Region Band Clinic and Concert will be held at Gilmer High School on Jan. 20-21. Area auditions are Jan. 7.

Wildcat Band Members making the All-Region Band: Kate Hurley, flute; Kami White, flute (alternate); Catherine Starzyk, oboe; Laney Bankston, clarinet; Sadie Barnett, clarinet; Lauren Maynard, clarinet; Caroline Prickette, clarinet; Justin Chen, alto saxophone; Mika Petty, alto saxophone; Levi Caton, trumpet; Valeria Garcia, trumpet; Hannah Hughes, trumpet; Anthony Small, horn; and Isaac Stanley, euphonium.