Weather conditions cause Flight Rally to be postponed


Ben Scarborough of the local Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1094 said the recent rally which was set for Sulphur Springs on April 23 was postponed.

The local Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1094 will discuss scheduling options at their next meeting.

However, there is another rally scheduled for May 21 at the Wood County Airport south of Quitman. Parents can pre-register for that event at Type in your zip code for rallies near you.

Quitman members and pilots were scheduled to come help us with our rally. Many of us in the Sulphur Springs Chapter will be on hand to assist with registration and to fly Young Eagles at that event.

“We were forced to cancel our Young Eagles Rally due to weather conditions. As usual, it was a combination of conditions. The forecast was partially correct because we had gusty winds. We also had a low ceiling. The cloud bases were at about 1,500 feet above the ground. We need 3,000 feet for conditions to be really safe for Young Eagle flights. Otherwise, we would compress the aircraft into a lower and more congested altitude. Also, any aircraft arriving on an instrument flight plan would exit the clouds and suddenly be in the midst of our little swarm of airplanes."