Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs

  • Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs
    Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs
  • Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs
    Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs
  • Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs
    Thousands choose to view eclipse in Sulphur Springs

Weather| Astronomy

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Celebration Plaza in downtown Sulphur Springs as well as city parks and other park open venues were popular destinations for travelers hoping to get a glimpse of the total solar eclipse Monday afternoon, in spite of the somewhat cloudy weather. People not only from across the state but across the country and at least eight other countries made the trek to Sulphur Springs to soak up the local culture while waiting to experience almost 4 1/2 minutes of totality with front row seats as the city was along the eclipse path's centerline, and had one of the longest periods of totality. Staff photo by Faith Huffman Many people in town to see the eclipse took advantage of parking spaces and community gathering areas, such as Buford Park, Coleman Park, Pacific Park and Celebration Plaza. Others packed parking areas at large retailers, such as Walmart and Lowe's, starting Monday morning to fellowship with other eclipse enthusiast. (See pages 9 and 10 for more eclipse photos.)


Sulphur Springs showed off its hospitality to thousands of visitors who came from far and wide, in spite of partial cloudiness, for a front row seat to what for many will be a once-in-alifetime experience — viewing a total solar eclipse along the centerline.

Visitors began arriving in Hopkins County Thursday in campers for the Night Light Rally on the Hopkins County Regional Civic Center grounds. The area in front of the arena by Friday was packed full, as was the area in front of the Civic Center, and quite a bit of the Sulphur Springs High School parking lot.

Individuals from around the country and around the country and around the world reserved rooms in Sulphur Springs and surrounding cities to ensure a seat on the centerline.

A quick survey around town, and a visit with local guests in town for the total solar eclipse, reaveled some drove up from Houston, down from Oklahoma, over from neighboring Arkansas and Louisiana to spend the day. More than one reported either getting off an airplaneand heading along the path of totality, looking for a spot along the centerline to observe the celestial event, then heading to a hotel or room rented in another town, the only places available when they tried to book their room.

Many flew in to Dallas, then, drove to Sulphur Springs, but others drove the entire distrance cross-country.

Included among states represented were Georgia, Florida, California, Alabama, Kansas, Utah, New York, Colorado, Arizona, North Carolina, Alaska, Minnesota, Delaware, Washington, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Maryland, Missouri, Michigan, Massachusettes, Iowa, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Oregon, New Mexico and Nebraska. Guests arriving from further afar included residents of Ontario, the UK, Manitoba, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Denmark and-Brazil, as well as others.