Texas Capital Highlights

  • Gary Borders
    Gary Borders

Week of March 27-31, 2023 Senate passes tax cut package

The Texas Senate last week unanimously approved a $16.5 billion package to lower property taxes and inject billions of dollars into public schools.

As reported by the Texas Tribune, the three separate bills require the state to send at least $5.38 billion to public schools while at the same time raising the state’s homestead exemption from $40,000 to $70,000, with an additional $20,000 exemption for homeowners 65 and older. According to the Tribune, the proposal would save an average homeowner $341 on their annual tax bill. Seniors would save an additional $227 annually.

In exchange for the increased state funding, local school property tax rates would be cut by 7 cents for every $100 in appraised value. An owner of a $300,000 home paying the state’s average school tax rate would save $210 annually in property taxes.

“This is off-the-charts, incredible property tax relief for millions of Texas homeowners,” said state Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston.

Paid parental leave for state workers?

For the first time, state employees could get 30 days of paid leave for childbirth or adoption. A bipartisan bill passed the Texas Senate last week with unanimous support.

The Austin American-Statesman reported that Senate Bill 222, besides allowing the 30 days of paid leave, would apply to anyone paying into the Employee Retirement System of Texas; to employees working within the executive branch of state government; and give 10 days of paid leave to employees whose spouse gave birth.

“Paid parental leave will help the state attract and re-