Schild announces candidacy

  • Krista Schill
    Krista Schill

Royse City resident seeks HD 2 seat


Krista Schild of Royse City is seeking the office of State Representative for Texas House District 2. The Republican candidate indicated she is a grass roots activist, as well as an active Hunt County Precinct Chair. She has represented both Denton County and Hunt County as a delegate at the Republican State Convention.

Schild said she has served on numerous roles to inform the truth about our liberties through education on America’s founding principles and exposing the threats of Sharia and Marxist organizations. She also speaks on how to build teams at the local level to identify and target them.

The candidate served as an election judge and indicated she “was a strong advocate for legislation” during the Texas Legislature’s 88th Session on multiple bills before Texas House and Senate.

Schild said she bases her life on Judeo-Christian values and a “God-given mandate” to stand for the Constitution and be a voice for the people. She indicated she has served as an ordained pastor in the Washington, D.C. area, as well as “an intercessor and prayer leader in the realm of government, particularly at the state level.”

She and her husband, Jeff, have been married for 30 years, and have built three successful construction contracting businesses. They have three grown sons, who are all apprentice electricians.