Head Start registration continues


The SSISD 2023-24 Head Start & Pre-K Registration is underway at Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center, 600 Calvert Street in Sulphur Springs.

Head Start can be contacted 903-885-4516.

The in-person roundup ends on April 21 and is by appointment only.

Those interested need to provide the following:

1. Collect ALL required and applicable documents listed below.

2. Call Pam Scott, Secretary, to schedule an appointment for the week of April 17-21 from 9 a.m. -2 p.m. At scheduled appointment, bring ALL requested documents. Not doing so will delay registering your child.

3. After the interview process, applications will be provided.

4. Families will be notified via letter, if their child has been accepted or placed on a waitlist.

5. Students enrolled in SSISD, must also complete the district’s online registration.

The Saturday Round-up is set for April 29.

(By Appointment only) 1. Collect ALL required and applicable documents listed below.

2. Call Pam Scott, Secretary, to schedule an appointment for Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 8 a.m.– 2 p.m.

Bring ALL documents to scheduled appointment. Not doing so, will delay registering your child.

3. After the interview process, applications will be provided.

4. Families will be notified via letter, if their child has been accepted or placed on a waitlist.

5. Students enrolled in SSISD, must also complete the district’s online registration

Household Income --- (2022 Tax Returns and 2022 W-2 Forms) Proof of residency, parents ID/Driver’s License, TANF, Social Security, Income, SSA, Child Support/Alimony, Military Documents-LES/ FSSA, birth certificate, child’s Social Security Card, immunization record, Medicaid, private insurance or CHIP card, food stamp letter, WiC Card, Penn Grant Information, Foster Card 2085 Ford, IEP former, Doctor’s notes concerning health, allergies and custodial or court order, If above documents are not available, a notarized letter from employer, including yearly salary on official letterhead Head Start provides: Certified teachers/assistants, two nutritional meals and a snack per day, fullday educational services, outdoor playground facilities, limited transportation services, social services, parent involvement activities, speech/hearing/vision evaluations, health/dental screenings and accepts children experiencing homelessness and children with mild, moderate or severe disabilities as determined by individual needs.