Election results from May 24


Hopkins County voters took to the polls Tuesday, May 24 to cast their ballots for the Primary Runoff Election. Below are the county and state Primary Runoff Election results for both Republican and Democratic candidates.

County results

The following results identify the total county votes for each Republican official under their respective office.

Attorney General, Republican Party, Ken Paxton received 844 total votes, while George P. Bush received 310 votes.

Commissioner of the General Land Officer, Republican Party, Dawn Buckingham, received 777 votes, while Tim Westley received 298 votes.

Railroad Commissioner, Republican Party, Sarah Stogner received 437 votes, while Wayne Christian received 675 votes.

The following results identify the total county votes for each Democratic official under their respective office.

Lieutenant Governor, Democratic Party, Mike Collier received 104 total votes, while Michelle Beckley received 74 total votes.

Attorney General, Democratic Party, Rochelle Mercedes Garza received 86 votes, while Joe Jaworski received 92 votes.

Comptroller of Public Accounts, Democratic Party, Janet T. Dudding received 127 votes, while Angel Luis Vega received 47 votes.

Commissioner of the General Land Office, Democratic Party, Jay Kleberg received 128 votes, while Sandragrace Martinez received 49 votes.

State results

The following results identify the total state votes for each Republican official under their respective office.

Attorney General, Republican Party, George P. Bush, was runner up, receiving 297,025 total votes, while Ken Paxton (I) took the lead with 630,064 total votes.

Commissioner of the General Land Office, Republican Party, Dawn Buckingham was highest elected with 592,683 votes, while Tim Westley received 268,914 votes, placing him second.

Railroad Commissioner, Republican Party, Wayne Christian (I) took the lead with 571,705 votes, while Sarah Stogner received 307,258 votes as runner up.

The following results identify the total state votes for each Democratic official under their respective office.

Lieutenant Governor, Democratic Party, Michelle Beckley received 304,799 total votes, coming in second, while Mike Collier received the most with 422,379 votes statewide. Attorney General,

Attorney General, Democratic Party, Rochelle Mercedes Garza took the lead as she received 438,134 votes, while Joe Jaworski came in second with a total of 202,140 votes.

Comptroller of Public Accounts, Democratic Party, Janet T. Dudding was highest elected with 454,338 votes, while Angel Luis Vega received 338,877 votes, placing him as runner up.

Commissioner of the General Land Office, Democratic Party, Jay Kleberg was runner up, receiving 257,034 votes, while Sandragrace Martinez received 313,780 votes total, taking the lead.