City Cemetery Society February meeting


| Club News


The City Cemetery Society met at 10 a.m. Feb. 13 in the Myra Wilson Chapel ion the cemetery grounds.

The meeting was opened with the Lord’s Prayer, led by Annada Jones.

Members attending included Steve Longino, Debbie Barrett, Jim and Annada Jones, Doris Dobson, Ruth Mary Hall, Amy McGrady, Carole Swindell, Carolyn Bergin and Carolyn Rawson.

Trustees Tom Sellers and Alec Bridges were in attendance.

Secretary Debbie Barrett read the minutes from the previous meeting.

Annada Jones gave the memorial report, given in memory of Mary Ann Anglin by David and Jo Beth Brewer, and Tommy Rawson by Brenda Caldwell.

Donations to the cemetery were received from Sonny Moore and Cletis Millsap.

Jim Jones gave out financial statements.

Old and new business was discussed.

The next meeting will be held at 10 a.m. April 9, 2024, in Myra Wilson Chapel.

The board wishes to remind families to pick up any Christmas decorations and older flowers left on graves that might impede the mowers.