I think I'm going insane

  • Mattison Buster
    Mattison Buster

I haven’t been outside in DAYS. This is practically unheard of for me. I love going outside. I haven’t taken my poor dog for a walk in a few days. He’s swirling into a food coma. I’m so tired of seeing the same three people. I would pay money to be running in the gym at this point. I miss social interaction. I MISS CLASS! Let me go back to school. Right now, at 6:57 in the evening, I’m bouncing off of walls. At this point, when I have power, I bake something. I’m going insane. I’ve read an entire library worth of books and watched the correlating movies to go with them. Please let me out of this house. I’ve got a growing list of issues with this unprecedented winter break.

Problem one: I’m a ginger and it’s dead winter. There’s two seasons people with Gingeritis don’t like, Summer and Winter. Why? WELL, WE ARE PALE. “Oh, the summer sun?” No big deal! WRONG. Five minutes out there in the trenches and we’re sunburnt until Fall. “Oh, look snow!” NO, RUN. The cold really gets us, “Man, it’s chilly. I won’t burn!” WRONG. That pretty white powder (crunchy Texas snow stuff) on the ground reflects sun rays. You will not see me outside in the snow without sunscreen on hand. I hate being pale. For a ginger, I like to think I’m on the tanner side, but right now I am almost see-through. I have self-tanned twice now and see no difference. Do you know how difficult that is? Self-tanning not once, but twice and still being translucent is NOT possible.

I just really want to go outside and see the sun shining. When I wake up, I want my window to be warm. I’m tired of cold toes. I don’t like to wear shoes in my house, but the floors are so cold I have to.

Problem two: I’ve got an entire list of schoolwork to do but I didn’t bother to do that. I instead deep cleaned my entire room. I wiped the baseboards down. That’s how you know I’m falling apart. I wish we had a treadmill. I wouldn’t leave it.

I’m being productive though. I have done a lot of laundry. I’ve baked a lot. I made a chocolate cake and some cookies. I made salsa too, but it’s a little off. I wasn’t expecting a lot. I thought it was kind of good, but my overly opinionated sister thought otherwise. I think I’m going to make bread in the near future.

Problem three: I think I’m developing ADHD. I took a short break from writing to go do a workout. For some reason, at-home workouts just don’t feel as good as lifting at the gym. When I’m at home, my workout is more of a concert. I have the best cardio playlist. It’s probably why I walk my dog so much. If there was an exercise version of Big Brother, I’d personally make legs Head of Household and lower abs the first to be voted out of the house. If I had an opinion on the matter, abs would not be in my repertoire. If you couldn’t already tell, my social skills are getting a little rusty from lack of use. Maybe once I’m back in school I’ll go back to my normal self. Maybe. I already know my mom is going to say this article is all over the place and that I should really write something of substance. I don’t currently have enough brain power to do that.

See y’all next week. It’ll be 70 outside. Mark my words. I’m the new weatherman.