Celebrating National Senior Citizens Day 2023

  • Senior citizen Angie Frew volunteers each week at CANHelp.
    Senior citizen Angie Frew volunteers each week at CANHelp.
  • (Above) Lillian Fralin won the door prize at Monday's celebration for National Senior Citizen's' Day at the Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Center.
    (Above) Lillian Fralin won the door prize at Monday's celebration for National Senior Citizen's' Day at the Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Center.
  • (Top right) Jerry Gregg volunteers by scanning photos into the archives at the Hopkins County Genealogical Society Research Library.
    (Top right) Jerry Gregg volunteers by scanning photos into the archives at the Hopkins County Genealogical Society Research Library.
  • Senior volunteer Bob Cody with trustie helpers at the Dinner Bell lunch program.
    Senior volunteer Bob Cody with trustie helpers at the Dinner Bell lunch program.
  • Senior volunteer Ron Denney volunteers at League Street Church of Christ clothing room.
    Senior volunteer Ron Denney volunteers at League Street Church of Christ clothing room.

Senior citizens carry the load for others

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Staff photos by Enola Gay Mathews


When there’s a cause or a project to be done, look around and you’ll probably find a senior citizen at 'work.' Local senior citizens in their golden years who want to continue finding purpose and personal rewards often turn to volunteering. Many are retired, have extra time, good health and a desire to help others.

Locally, there is a wealth of interesting opportunities in which to volunteer. In honor of National Senior Citizens Day, observed on Monday, Aug. 21, here are some seniors you may know who volunteer for the good of others in Hopkins County.