Seth McDaniel, Place 3 candidate

  • Seth McDaniel, Place 3 candidate
    Seth McDaniel, Place 3 candidate


Family information: Married to Mazie, a Sulphur Springs Native, for 11 years. Mazie is a real estate agent with Century 21. We have 2 children together, a son 2, and daughter, 5. I am the Son of Scott and Penney Hemby.

Occupation, brief job description: I am a local ISD Police Chief. I oversee the safety and security aspect for students and staff for the entire district along with being the emergency management coordinator. I have been in that position for a year. Prior to that I spent over 5 years as a supervisor for the police department in Anna Tx and prior to that I was an officer for Sulphur Springs Police Department for over 7 years.

Years you have lived in the city: This time, a year and a half. I moved to Sulphur Springs around 25 years ago with my family. I went to public school here and graduated from Sulphur Springs High School. I lived in Sulphur Springs until 2018 when I moved to Anna to further my police career. After a couple years in the metroplex, I realized that Sulphur Springs is home, and decided it was best for our family to move back. It was great living in the growing city of Anna and experiencing that type of growth with many different stores to choose from. The biggest thing I did miss was the hometown feel of Sulphur Springs. I also missed all of my local friends, most of you who are reading this. I missed being able to walk into a restaurant and see people I know. I missed always being there for others when they needed help. I think we can make this town have the best of both worlds; convenience with hometown hospitality.

Education, training, special skills: I have dedicated my life to public service. I began as a volunteer fireman for North Hopkins at the age of 16. Since then, I have been involved in some sort of public service and truly enjoy the idea of making a difference. I have seen how cities work from the bottom up and want to see how I can help from the top down now. I am well aware of the influence a council has on their city and the city employees, and I want to do what is best for our citizens and city employees. I also see how the school districts work in my current role, and want to make sure the city and the school district has a great working relationship. Be- ing involved in real estate in town has also given me insight into the planning, zoning, and capital construction side of things. We have been involved with purchasing and remodeling homes for the majority of our adult lives and with my wife being a real estate agent, I have a pulse on the housing market in town. I have obtained a masters degree in Criminal Justice from the A&M education system with an emphasize on pre-law. I started my college classes here in town at PJC as many of you have. I have also been taught the ways of this town by growing up here. Things such as driving up and down broadway as a teenager, buying groceries at the piggly wiggly, enjoying an evening on our beautiful square, and using the glass bathrooms have all prepared me for a seat on city council.

I really do believe in making a positive change. We can’t do it alone, but someone has to stand up to organize the many to make the proper decisions. I believe in a good balance of hometown and convenience. Residential and commercial. Old school with new age. I have a high priority for safety, with a backing for our law enforcement, fire department, and EMS. The hard working citizens of our town are who matter most. I want to consider the wants ands needs for the majority, not for the few. Everyone’s voice should be equal. Our city needs to be one that is proactive in getting things done and preparing for the years to come, not one that lays and waits. I want to be a voice for our true citizens and make sure that our city is on track to prosper.

Identify what you consider the most significant area(s) of interest, need or concern in the office you are seeking, and your plan to address the concern(s).

I really think the council needs someone who is looking to stay current with the times. A lot of councils end up stagnant due to the members being stuck in their ways. Having members that are on council for 5 or 6 terms, is not beneficial in my opinion. I think being a young but professional person will give me the ability to see where our city is currently, where our city is going, but most importantly what our city could become. A lot of my dealings with the city has caused me to see a need for progressiveness. I think that’s there are 2 types of cities, those that update with the times, grow, and prosper, and those that end up a ghost town. We are geographically located in a way that we could grow exponentially and reap the benefits, however, we have to have council members that see the benefit of growth and new businesses. That is one of my main objectives. I also want to see a priority placed on our public services. I think our city already does a good job of that, but I want to make sure that continues.

Give a brief statement about your candidacy — what you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy:

I am a hometown man. My family is being raised here, my parents are here, and we strive to grow this community. I have been a part of this town for the majority of my life. I have served this city as an officer and hopefully many of you remember a positive encounter with me when I was in that position. I want the opportunity to serve the citizens of Sulphur Springs at a seat on council to be a voice for everyone. I look at things logically and want the best for this city. I will look at things progressively, but with a hometown mindset. I will not vote for what benefits myself or with selfish intentions. I will vote for what is best for this city, no matter how it affects me. I am going to stand for what is right and do not mind the confortation that comes along with standing for what is right. You all know me and know that I am a man of my word. I respectfully ask that you give me the opportunity to serve you as a council member.