Today, I feel like the color yellow

  • Today, I feel like the color yellow
    Today, I feel like the color yellow

This might seem odd to you regular people, but today I felt like the color yellow. I was happy and, for the most part, in a decent mood. I enjoyed the day overall but, most importantly, I did well in my UIL events.

Buckle up mom, this one’s going to be all over the place. I can feel it already.

I placed second in two of three of my events, and I’m waiting on my third event scores. Hopefully, I did just as good, if not better.

My first two events were Current Events and Issues and the other was Science. Boy, I had no idea what I was doing in that science room! I was just as lost as the other guys. Current Events wasn’t too bad, as long as you pretend like you know what you’re talking about, you score good. In case you missed it, I’m a really good pretender.

My last event was Editorial Writing. If I don’t do well at that, it’s pretty embarrassing since it was, essentially, a news article. I’m not much of a conformist when it comes to my writing, but I know the gist of it. So, hopefully I get those scores back and I’m somewhat proud of what I did.

Back to feeling like the color yellow, I felt all warm and sunshiny. The internet says that since yellow is the color of the sun, it means you feel warm, bright, smart, and happy. It also talked about confidence, but I didn’t feel much of that while taking my tests. YOLO (you only live once, for my older audience). I secured my spot in regionals though, so does my lack of confidence really matter? I think not.

I woke up way too early today — today as I write this not as you read it, I was up at 5:30. Not human, I usually wake up pretty early, but not 5:30 early. I was ready for bed at 7 tonight. That is very very unlike me. I enjoy the nighttime. It is peaceful, but I don’t like being outside during the nighttime. I’m terrified of the dark.

New game: guess that song. I always write while listening to music and, tonight, one of my favorites played not once but twice. This band was formed in 1982. There’s four members. The genre is funk rock or alternative rock. This song has the same name as the album. The album with the same name was their seventh released album. It was released in 1999. Any guesses?

If you guessed Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, you would be right. I eat up the RHCP. There’s nothing like watching their trippy music videos at night. It’s truly an experience. One I highly recommend.

My entire playlist tonight was alternative rock, but at a very low volume. I’d hate to wake my family with my late night concerts.