Have you been propagandized?

  • Have you been propagandized?
    Have you been propagandized?

| IQ- Infinite Questions


Do you believe in Angels? Demons?

We just emerged from a pseudoholiday where it appeared to me that most people did believe in the demonic from the way I perceived darkness in dress, decorations, and behavior. I hear people speaking about Angels but usually in very censored snippets and mostly within the Church.

Why have we, as a collective people, stopped believing the VERY REAL battle taking place ceaselessly in the Unseen Realms? Have you heard the phrase, “The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing people he was not a threat”? Is it Hollywood? Is it the black mirror AKA a “screen”/ scrying mirror with “channels” to input directly into your consciousness?

Did you know Hollywood is known as a very good wand material and is used to direct evils spirits and has many other magic and witchcraft references? Tv’s and phones have told us that magic and super powers can come from pagan rituals, aliens, potions, or people seeking a godhood for themselves, something we are being conditioned to believe is attainable by our own means.

If you were to remove all of the influence from what you have seen from a screen, what’s left is what you’ve read or your experiences or stories from other’s experiences.

Now remove what you have read. What’s left? Your own perceptions and the witness of those around you. Have you ever had an encounter with a good or evil unseen or visible entity?

People who make money or attain power by denying God in the science fields will try to tell you that you’re unwell, even though mental illness has no factual, determined cause in the science world and they openly admit that they don’t know. Remember when it was just a “chemical imbalance”? well that theory was quietly dropped recently. The only facts that remain unchanged for some are the ancient explanations our ancestors shared- such as demonic influence being an account for some cases of mental illness. Let’s draw nearer to the pure, untainted facts about this topic.

Most people have experienced something they cannot explain. What you have experienced was intended for YOU to examine and learn from because all experience is allowed by God. There is one rule that is fundamental, God Reigns Supreme and everything submits to Him. He allows access and activity for His purposes.

The devil needs permission and if God knows it will bring about change in a child, He will allow it. Whether or not the child He chooses to save by allowing it is YOU or someone else! Most people I have asked about this, without The Lord in their hearts reigning supreme, are terrified of this topic.

Let’s try to create a mental image of this stuff. Picture in your mind, a yard stick. Now, you’re going to darken 99% of that yard stick therefore 35 inches of said yardstick approximately is darkened and only about 1 inch is visible, or 1%.

Now, someone WHACKS you from behind on the back of your head with the stick. You can still see the 1 inch of the yardstick, but you know the other 35 inches (99%) is what hit you. The 99% unseen has impacted you.

As discussed in previous IQ editions, we only see 1% of the light spectrum, though we perceive much more. In the realm of the unseen, you are visible.

YOU can’t see THEM but they can see people who are not covered by a significant spiritual veil given to us by God when we accept His Son, The Christ, into our hearts FULLY.

Having Spiritual Armor prescribed by Paul (Roman soldier armor was very well known at the time of Paul’s writing) consisted of a Helmet representing Salvation, a Breastplate representing Righteousness, a Shield of Faith, a Belt of Truth, The Sword of The Word of God, and finally Sandals prepared with the gospel of Peace (the good news of peace).

We are to request this armor willfully every morning because we need it in this very real battle- it does not matter if one finds oneself physically or spiritually fit, we still need the armor, or we are underprepared and vulnerable. PERIOD. The unseen can see our weaknesses and study us, they also know the Word of God better than we do most of the time and use every tactic available to deceive and twist.They literally “eat” or “consume” the willful sin we choose to commit, in thought or deed. They feed off of it and bring their buddies until before you know it, you’re either influenced by or possessed by the demonic “legion”.

Jesus told us to take every thought captive, which is impossible without transformation and renewing of our minds with His assistance. He doesn’t want us to be a target or seeds the deceiver sows to sprout!

These dark entities have names, ranks, leaders, legions. Jesus asked the demoniac personally what the name was of the speaking demon, not because He didn’t know but because He wanted US TO KNOW that they have names. Names like Depression, or Lust, or Greed or Envy. Which one or how many are you feeding? What is festering inside of you that you think no one else can see? They know your whole life and story, what you have disclosed and said, what you do when you think you’re alone. They have been watching and studying what makes you tick, what tempts you, what stirs you. They know your unresolved hurts because expression of hurt has a predictable pattern. Families can even pass down influences and strongholds. Take your thoughts captive to start by carefully removing influences and propaganda from your life. Remove also unresolved anger, resentment or hurt. What are you being influenced by? The 99% unseen is most of our reality and we are affected by all sorts of energies. Some which can be measured, like EMF’s or radiation from cell phones or devices. Some we can witness but don’t have appropriate measurement tools for like energy from other people, nature, prayer, and song, etc. We were literally fearfully and wonderfully made for this battle! What you feed you will attract more of. Consider!

Just as we must eat and are driven by hunger, so are they (only they are never satisfied because they are damned) so starve them out! Sweep your house and invite The Lord in your Temple (your body/home) to eat with you. Drink of the Living Water He offers and eat The Bread of Life. This is the only way WE are satisfied, also!

Having Jesus Reign in your life does not mean the darkness will stop trying. They will always be seeking whom they can devour. We have an obedient heavenly Host fighting for us. Angels go to battle on our behalf in the unseen. The best news ever is that Jesus Messiah will never stop battling for the 99% and will always seek out the 1% we CAN see. He is seeking to Deliver you from darkness right now! Once we understand how this darkness influences us and how the Light battles for us, our eyes can see, and our ears can hear VERY differently, and we are transformed!

What people did to us becomes less about the person. Think about it!

Get excited about next Saturdays’ IQ – Who is the Anti-Christ?

Written by Stephanie Cigainero-Kneale of Sulphur Springs, member of Community Bible Fellowship, Dike TX.

For scripture references, to find out more about how you can give your heart to God or citations, please email IQSulphurSprings@proton.me