Solar farm agreements discussed


Annual contracts passed


The Hopkins County commissioner’s court met Monday morning to discuss items such as utility easements, a reinvestment zone for Stampede Solar, a solar farm that will be based in Saltillo, contract renewals for SAVNS and Juvenile Services by and between ATCOG, 381 agreements with J.B. Weld, Pine Forest Solar I, Pine Forest Hybrid I and an inter-local agreement between the city of Sulphur Springs Fire Department, Hopkins County Fire Department and Hopkins County EMS District.

The court approved requests from Farmer’s Electric Cooperative to construct electrical distribution facilities that will cross county road 2336 located 1718 feet east of County road 2335 in precinct two and county road 3374, 158 feet south of county road 3374 in precinct three.

Precinct One Judge B.J. Teer was recognized for successfully completing 10 hours of Fiscal year 2021 rural leadership specialty workshop held July 5, 2021 to July 7, 2021 which was provided by Texas State University, Texas Justice Court Training Center.

The court then heard from Greg Anglin regarding the repositioning of a culvert locate dat 69 Wylie Driver in Sulphur Springs.

“This is a culvert underneath a road that a house was built on a lot,” Anglin said. “They built it right in front of the drainage culvert and now the water is draining right at their door. They’re asking for the culvert to be relocated, which it can not be relocated. It’s at a diagonal which is why the water is flowing right at their door, we have a signed agreement and talked with both parties because the water will send the water on to another property if we change the diagonal of this culvert. Both parties have agreed and signed that we won’t be liable for changing the water flow.”

With the document in place, Anglin made a motion to approve changing the direction of the culvert.

An agreement was entered into between the homeowner and the city/precinct to have the direction of the culvert changed to flow away from the house, the agreement states that the city can not be held liable for any damages incurred from the movement of the culvert.

Tax Collector Debbie Mitchell then presented the DMV optional fees for approval by the court including a Child Safety Program and the road and bridge fees. Mitchell shared that these fees are presented to the court on an annual basis for approval.

The court then held a public hearing in reference to the reinvestment zone for, by and between Hopkins County and the Stampede Solar Project LLC.

EDC Director Roger Feagley was present to answer any questions from the public including what a reinvestment zone is and if it would affect property values or taxes. Feagley shared that a reinvestment zone is just the drawing of property lines with the possibility of having tax incentives later. Only property owners within the reinvestment zone would be affected.

The court then approved the reinvestment zone and moved on to approve the payment of bills, revenues and expenses, payroll and financial statements.

Next, the court discussed approving a second contract renewal for participating entity services agreement for the Statewide Automated Victim Notification Service which is approved on an annual basis.

The court also approved the contract and moved on to discuss a contract for the purchase of Juvenile Services by and between ATCOG and Hopkins County, another annual contract.

The court then approved a Chapter 381 economic development program and agreement with Pine Forest Solar I, LLC and with Pine Forest Hybrid I, LLC.

Pine Forest wishes to pay their property taxes in total at fair market value for the first two years and then enter into the agreement. The hybrid solar farm will include batteries as well as panels and inverters.

The court also approved a Chapter 381 agreement with J.B. Weld LLC, which has been ongoing for at least a year as part of a 5-year agreement.

J.B. Weld is currently in the process of expanding their building and hiring 20 new employees.

The court also approved an inter-local agreement by and between the city of Sulphur Springs Fire Department, Hopkins County Fire Department and Hopkins County EMS District for the purchase of mobile radios for the trucks and handheld radios.

The court then approved an agreement with Vickers Consulting Services, Inc.

There were no personnel matters, disposal of assets, resolutions or proclamations and the court adjourned.