Plant Q and A

  • Plant Q and A
    Plant Q and A

Q. You include Mexican sycamore as one of the tree varieties for area landscapes. I have one and find it to be an undesirable shade tree. The leaves are huge and spread all over the yard of origin plus the neighboring yards, the leaves are so large they are hard to collect. Why do you recommend them?

A I and many other horticulturists recommend Mexican sycamore because of some of the characteristics you mentioned including their fast growth and unusual conformation and coloring of the bark and leaves. Mexican sycamore are also pest and disease free. Everyone has different characteristics in a tree species that appeal to them and Mexican sycamore offers some of that variety.

Q. What is your recommendation concerning cold weather protection for cyclamen? I have grown them for several years and only covered them in the record low temps of February 2021. Needless to say despite the Insulate cover the blooms all froze off.

A. If you want to be conservative about it cover them with the fabric when it is forecast to be less than 30 degrees F. My plantings are close to the house and the February freeze was the only time I lost the blooms also but I cover them when the temps are forecast to be 28 degrees or less.

Q. I was listening to your radio show last week and you and Dr Parsons were talking about boiling some other type of greens with kale to reduce the bitterness of its taste so you could take advantage of its nutritional value. What were those greens?

A. I like the kale in a mixture with collards or Swiss chard. Dr Parsons was only interested in straight spinach!

Q We were relying on watering our hollies as part of the lawn sprinkling process but it doesn’t seem to be working. My neighbor who is a Master Gardener says I need to water the hollies by letting the hose run at the base of the plant. Do you agree? How long is the recommended period to run the water at each plants base?

A Yes, I agree that watering at the base is the way to maintain relatively newly planted shrubs or trees during dry hot weather like we have been experiencing. Water each one for at least a half hour twice during the first week and then once per week until the rains resume

Q. We are starting our bird feeding program again this winter and would prefer not to share the seed with the squirrels. I know using pepper flavored suet is eaten by the birds but left alone by the squirrels. Does the pepper flavored seed work as well?

A. I think it does if you can find an affordable source. I rely on the Absolute steel feeders with weight sensitive perches to deny the squirrels access.