City Cemetery Society accepts memorials


Club News

The City Cemetery Society met Tuesday at the Myra Wilson Chapel on cemetery grounds. Members attending inlaced Jim andAnnada Jones, Ruthmary Hall, Linda Jackson, Janet Garvin, Carolyn Swindell, Mary Ann Anglin, Helen Starrett, Jim Caruthers, Cathy Bonner, Steve Longing and Debbie Barrett.

The meeting opened with the Lord’s Prayer. Hall read minutes from the previous meeting, Jim Jones gave the treasury report, and Annada Jones led discussion of old and new business.

Memorials were given in memory of Mike Moore by Angie Moore and Billy K.Hendrix by Marsha Motes.

Members were reminded about the new website, , which is up and running.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8 at Myra Wilson Chapel on City Cemetery grounds. New members are always welcome.