Guest Columnists

Agricultural awareness is important

Agricultural awareness for children is important for several reasons: „ Understanding Food Sources: It helps children understand where their food comes from, fostering an appreciation for the effort that goes into producing it.

Opinion Editorial: Making a Historic Investment to Provide Statewide Connectivity

Texas has a lot to offer which includes over 80,000 highway lane miles. We also have worldclass rail and air facilities for freight and passengers. Nearly 2,000 people move here every day. That’s one of the reasons why the Texas Transportation Commission made history this month by approving a record $142 billion total investment for Texas' transportation infrastructure, including the $100 billion 10-year Unified Transportation Program (UTP).

A new season in a new location

Back in July, I wrote about summer’s ‘quick retreat’ to remind readers that fall would occur as the season naturally shifts, usually, as we turn the calendar page to September. That’s when the sun would take a different slant and, as leaves began to fall, the air would occasionally whisper ‘Fall is coming’.

What does it cost not to have life insurance?

It’s probably not on your calendar, but September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. And that means it’s a good time to become more aware of the benefits of having life insurance — and the dangers of not having it.

August Astronomical Adventures at Cooper Lake State Park

August in Texas is usually extremely hot! As a result, why not experience the park after sunset? August has at least three astronomical events that will amaze you. Have you ever heard about a blue moon, supermoon, or the Perseids; well get ready, because this month has all three! The term “blue moon” refers to two full moons within a single month and August has that one on August 1st and another on August 30th. A “supermoon” is when the moon is closest to earth and full at the same time. On August 1st we will experience a blue supermoon! The South Sulphur Unit of Cooper Lake State Park is the perfect place to experience this astronomical oddity rising over the lake. A moonrise over the lake is an amazing sight to behold. Also, this is the month for the Perseids meteor shower. This year the Perseids will not have to compete with a full or near full moon making it much easier to see and enjoy the show. The peak of this celestial event will be the night of August 12th and the wee hours of August 13th. Park HQ’s will have self-guided materials to use aiding you in your view fun. The park will be open all night for the event.


Dear Annie: I have a family of grandnieces and nephews who never say thank you or let you know they received their gift. They are young, and I'd blame my niece for not teaching them, but she has five children, and I can imagine it's hard for her to find the time to teach them to say thank you.

Hockey might be the death of me

You might think from the headline of this column that I’ve taken up playing hockey. That would be a very loud “NO.” I’m too old and too full-figured to even attempt to get on ice skates. The reason for the headline is that I’ve recently become a real hockey fan and I’m afraid it might kill me. Let me explain….

Stopping to Smell the Roses

Talk about a busy week! Even though I do 'stop to smell the roses' now with greater frequency, I’m still an individual who likes more than one interest or involvement going on at once. Here’s a sample of my week.

Understanding pesticide applicator licenses

Do YOU need a license? If so, which endorsement do you need? The Texas Pesticide Law requires that you must be licensed or certified by the Texas Department of Agriculture in order to lawfully use a restricted-use pesticide, state-limited-use pesticide or regulated herbicides. The law is designed to ensure safety of humans, animals, plants, and the entire ecosystem.

Sure Signs of Spring

You know that a rite of spring is spotting new foals. Two of my local cowgirl friends had something amazing to share with me.